The Great One-Piece Swimsuit Debate

Trina Turk One-Piece

Most of the time women dress for women. Ask most guys what they think about really high-wasted jean shorts, fur vests or hunter boots and they probably just won’t have opinion. Women dress for other women – we appreciate the effort … Continue reading

Neon Lights

kelly neon lights 1

Like any other Southern gal, I adore anything with polka dots – clothes, phone cases, bags, you name it! If it has polka dots, I am swooning over it. Hence, when I saw this skirt from Chicwish, I had to … Continue reading

Cali Trip Recap Part II – Visiting Vineyards in Napa and Sonoma

pride mountain kelly and brian view 2

Today I’m sharing Part II of our California/Birthday Trip with you! If you missed Part I be sure to check it out here first. After spending two very full days in San Francisco, we were off to wine country for … Continue reading

A Southern Gentleman Emerges in Buckhead

Atlanta is well-known for Southern-style restaurants a-plenty. On many-a-restaurant menu you will find fried chicken, pimento cheese, grits, and deviled eggs in some form or fashion. Buckhead Atlanta’s latest eatery, The Southern Gentleman, is spicing up our typical Southern cuisine, … Continue reading

Thirty Things

drybar kelly

I turn the Big 3-0 tomorrow, and I’m feeling all reflective and nostalgic on the first three decades of my life. Well, maybe most reflective on the last 10 years, given that these have been the most life-changing to date! I am … Continue reading

Run Now, Beer Later!

For the first time in ages Stripes and I were in town for July 4 – which means we were in town for The Peachtree Road Race! I mean, how could the Peachtree Roadies NOT be at the Peachtree Road … Continue reading

Battle of the Meal Delivery Services

As much as I enjoy cooking, the last thing I want to do after I get home from work is figure out what we’re having for dinner. I am certain that I am not alone in feeling this way, and there are only two of us to prepare for! Between the lack of meal planning (who has time for that?!) and struggles with getting to the grocery store on a somewhat regular basis (we freeze a lot of things), we often start throwing together dinner around 8:30-9 pm most nights, with the hopes of eating before 10 pm. Due to our lack of pre-planning meals, we usually just have a few standard dishes we make on the reg, which does not lead to much variety.

When I saw Blue Apron on Gilt City Atlanta a month ago, I thought why not give it a try? It was just becoming popular in NYC before we moved and I didn’t even realize it was offered in Atlanta. Then, a few weeks later, Meg and I discovered PeachDish – a local version of the service and they sent Peachtree Roadies two complimentary meals to try out. (Love them!)

If you’re not familiar with Blue Apron and PeachDish (or these meal-delivery services in general), here is some info from their respective websites:

Blue Apron is a new concept in grocery delivery, built around incredible cooking experiences. We offer a once-a-week subscription service where we deliver all the fresh ingredients you need to make 3 meals, in exactly the right proportions. We’ve designed our service to teach you fun new recipes, save prep time and also reduce unnecessary waste. By letting us shop for you, we can bring you fresher and higher-quality food than you can get on your own in the supermarket, and for better prices!

Peachtree Roadies Blue Apron Logo

Preparing and sharing a meal with people you love is the most universal way to connect. PeachDish packs that into a box and mails it to your home every week. People often limit themselves by only consuming what is convenient and familiar. That’s why the PeachDish team develops a menu for you every week with ingredients that are southern-infused and seasonally inspired. Keeping true to our Atlanta upbringing, we continually honor our Georgia roots, southern hospitality & seasonal simplicity.

Peachtree Roadies Peach Dish Logo

Seems pretty simple, right? Now for the nitty-gritty: With BlueApron you can get up to three meals per week at a cost of $60 and PeachDish offers up to two meals per week at a cost of $50. With both services, you can skip a week whenever you like, but check closely for the timeline for doing so (usually it’s a couple days before you’re scheduled for delivery). This is a great feature for a week you might be out of town, or have plans to eat out a lot, etc.

Peachtree Roadies Blue Apron Ingredients

Based on the ingredients that we received, there is also flexibility in when you actually prepare each dish. For example, with Blue Apron, we received three meals on a Tuesday. We made one dish on Tuesday night, one dish on Wednesday night and then ended up eating out on Thursday and Friday, so we saved our third dish for Saturday lunch. Everything was still completely fresh, and we probably could have made it until Sunday dinner – maybe freezing the meat and some of the veggies earlier in the week to be safe.

Peachtree Roadies Peach Dish Ingredients

Blue Apron vs. PeachDish – which one is #PeachtreeRoadiesApproved?

Ease: PeachDish: I will caveat that we made two meals in one night and had three people working in the kitchen, but the recipes were easier to follow than the Blue Apron offerings. [Side note: A negative for both IMHO, TOO MUCH CHOPPING! I personally hate spending lots of time chopping up veggies and often throw them in my mini Cuisinart to save time. However, I have polled others and some people LOVE chopping and think it is very soothing and relaxing. To each their own, I guess 🙂]

Peachtree Roadies Peach Dish Chopping

Peachtree Roadies Peach Dish Veggies

Heartiness: Tie: Plenty of food to go around with both services and we even had leftovers (read: you get your money’s worth). No one left the meal hungry.

Peachtree Roadies Peach Dish Meal

Flavor: Blue Apron: Minus the bony salmon the first night, we loved the different spices and ingredients in the meals. The spices on the meat we had night 2 made the dish melt-in-your-mouth tasty. I have never cooked with coconut milk, but it was easy and delicious. I will definitely be adding it to our meal repertoire.

Peachtree Roadies Blue Apron Chopping

Peachtree Roadies Blue Apron Salmon

Healthiness: PeachDish:each dish came with an extra side salad, which we love! (#roadtofitness people) We try to eat lots of veggies with dinner, but having the extra salad really rounded out the meal. And, it felt like being at a restaurant where you typically get salad + entrée/side.

Peachtree Roadies Peach Dish Salad

Variety: Blue Apron: We would have NEVER thought to make the dishes that they sent. We were introduced to multiple new ingredients and recipes ideas that we would probably take bits and pieces from to create our own simplified versions.

Peachtree Roadies Blue Apron Ingredients Peachtree Roadies Blue Apron Meat

Peachtree Roadies Pick: PeachDish is our “winner winner chicken dinner.” We have to applaud our local Atlantans here and love that their dishes are Southern-inspired. Plus, they include salads with the meals for added healthiness. The recipes were simple enough that we would tackle them again. I also personally prefer the two nights a week system because that is about all I can stand to cook during the work week.

Have you tried another meal delivery service or one of these? What was your experience?

Peachtree Roadies Peach Dish

Peachtree Roadies Peach Dish

Fun in the kitchen!

Peachtree Roadies Peach Dish

Pink Barre – Long, Fit, Let’s Go!

Pink Barre Kelly

It’s no secret: we’re obsessed with barre workouts. While neither of us have ever been mistaken for ballerinas, the plies and pirouettes work their magic by creating long, lean muscles – exactly what we were looking for when we began … Continue reading